Monday, June 24, 2024

ANIMALS: No call for neglect, abuse

| May 19, 2024 1:00 AM

I feel compelled to express my feelings about the tragic ways people deal with animals that they decide they don’t want or cannot keep due to circumstances they find themselves in. The stories I hear are heartbreaking and hard to imagine any caring human being could carry out.

There are humane societies everywhere. Why would you drown an animal or abandon a helpless animal or just stop feeding it because you don’t want it? Please stop and think before you carry out a heartless act on a helpless animal that depends on us humans for its life. Turn the animal in so it has a chance and someone will give it the loving home it deserves.  

You do not have the right to abuse and randomly kill because it doesn’t suit your lifestyle. Pets are for a lifetime not just while you or your kids think they are cute, then they become a burden. Spay and neuter so animals don’t have litters that you can’t find homes for. There are plenty of resources where you can get help with spaying and neutering.  

These animals have just as much right to be here as we do. It’s a tragedy that some people treat them as disposable trash like their lives don’t matter. It breaks my heart hoping people will change.


Coeur d’Alene