Friday, July 26, 2024

Red for the season

Staff Writer | May 15, 2024 1:09 AM

COEUR d'ALENE — It was a red-letter day at The Coeur d'Alene Resort on Tuesday.

Or better, a red-flower day.

"I love it," said Ally-Jean Damron, Resort employee who joined about 50 others in planting a sea of geraniums on a bright, sunny morning. "I love the big group. The different departments come together. We help each other out. It's super fun."

About 34,000 of the distinctive flowers were planted in around two hours outside The Resort on what is called Geranium Day, which is the Tuesday after Mother's Day.

Hagadone Corp. headquarters, the Boardwalk Marina, Hagadone Marine Center, the Resort Golf Course, Hagadone Event Center and surrounding company properties were all decorated.

Resort President Bill Reagan has been part of the annual planting that dates back to the opening of The Resort more than three decades ago. He led efforts again Tuesday. He said the geranium has a rich, vibrant color and was a favorite of the late Duane Hagadone.

"It just says, 'Hey, summer is here. We're ready,'" Reagan said.

Teams competed for bragging rights and a trophy, "which we plan on displaying in our spa office when we win," said a smiling Cally King, Resort Spa marketing manager, as their team dug in the dirt on Sherman Avenue.

Volunteers wore shirts that read "Seeds of Collaboration Sprout Success" on the front and "Let's Get Growing" on the back. Spirits were light and backs seemed to be strong.

"It's just a good teamwork exercise," Reagan said.

Bailey O'Neil is a believer. 

The assistant manager was in his second season of planting geraniums and said it went smoother than last, thanks to experience and his colleagues working alongside him.

"I'm getting much more efficient this year," he said.

The geraniums came from Lima Greenhouses in Spokane.

A combination of sunlight, fertilizer, water and close attention keeps them well throughout the hot summer months.

Rita Curtis just joined The Resort's housekeeping team and was glad to be part of Geranium Day.

"I love gardening. I grew up gardening. I saw this project, I thought, 'I want to do that,'" she said.

    Ally-Jean Damron plants geraniums outside The Coeur d'Alene Resort on Tuesday.
    Bailey O'Neil carries geraniums to plant near The Coeur d'Alene Resort on Tuesday.
    Zach Hoynes carries geraniums as he wears one of the shirts with the words, "Let's Get Growing" at The Coeur d'Alene Resort on Tuesday.

    Hagadone Hospitality employees join Geranium Day outside The Coeur d'Alene Resort on Tuesday. From left, Luis Estrada, Tim Heinig, Kim Ward, Ana Rocio Gonzales (front) and Nikki Monk.