Monday, May 20, 2024

OPINION: The courage to lead differently

by MIKE BAKER/Guest Opinion
| May 9, 2024 11:00 AM

In today’s political climate, leadership is not just about making decisions — it’s about making the right decisions for all, based on integrity and courage. Here in our community, we stand at a crossroads where the style, substance, and character of leadership are more important than ever.

Political divisiveness has escalated, not because of differing opinions, but due to a lack of courageous leadership. Left unchecked, it's easy for leaders to follow the crowd, to endorse or remain silent on issues because it's politically safe. However, true leadership requires standing up — even against one's own endorsers — when it’s necessary to uphold our community’s values.

I've seen firsthand how many leaders endorsed by influential groups like the KCRCC privately express their discomfort with these endorsements but stop short of public dissent. They know what is happening behind the scenes, yet they say nothing. This silence contributes to the divisiveness that erodes the soul of our community. It tells people with hate-filled hearts that they are welcome here. Leadership means having the backbone to say, "This is not right," and acting on that conviction, publicly and unequivocally.

Let's be clear: Denouncing racism, rejecting extremism, and distancing oneself from divisive tactics should not be courageous acts; they should be the standard. Yet, in these times, they are acts of bravery. Cowards and bullies lead with fear, and when we stay silent, they get stronger. We need leaders who are not just figureheads but moral compasses, guiding our community away from hate and towards the issues that truly matter — affordable housing, accessible healthcare, quality education, and robust infrastructure.

To those on the ballot on May 21, to those who have been silent, to those endorsed by KCRCC, I issue a challenge: Be the leader our community deserves. Stand up and speak out against the tactics that divide us. Show your voters that leadership is not about endorsements or maintaining the status quo but about making hard choices that reflect our core values of kindness, fairness, and unity. 

Your silence will become your legacy, but your voice has the power to define our future. If you are too weak to do this, please step aside and let the bold and brave come in and save you and our community.

I applaud the heroes working within the KCRCC who have gone to great lengths to call out these dark tactics and poor leadership. They are bold and brave, and they have my utmost respect and gratitude. We need more of you.

Our community’s strength is tested not when we stand apart, but when we stand together, united by our common values. Let's choose leaders who reflect this strength, who demonstrate that even in politics, humanity can prevail over hatred. I’ve worked hard to model this. I met with my opponent, and we had a lovely conversation. We have some different ideas, but we respect each other and will support each other. It isn’t that hard.

As voters, it's our responsibility to hold our leaders accountable. Contact the candidates endorsed by the KCRCC and demand they state their stance on the current leadership and their divisive strategies. Ask about the projects they fund and the dark characters they rally behind. Silence or lack of courage in addressing these issues invites extremists from both sides, suggesting our community is a safe harbor for destructive forces. Be bold, be brave, and question everything — even me. I welcome discussions, as they are fundamental to the democratic process and our community's health.

Leadership means carving out new ways forward, guided by the values we all hold dear, not stuck in the darkness of old, divisive ways. Let's choose a future where we all stand together, respecting and valuing each other. This way, we can build a community that's strong and united, showing the world what we're really made of.

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Mike Baker is a Coeur d'Alene resident.