Sunday, May 19, 2024

REGAN: A testament to need for change

| May 8, 2024 1:00 AM

The Press has gifted Brent Regan with a weekly column. Rather than using this privilege to benefit our community with trustworthy and valuable information, he uses it for benefiting himself, trying to bully us into submission and denigrating the people who have made advantageous contributions to our community and the Republican Party.

I expect by now after reading Regan’s many propaganda-laced and desperation-ladened rants, few people anymore take anything he says seriously. 

Regan comes across bearing great disdain for the standard code of civil society and a disregard for what our constitutions provide each U.S. citizen. 

Regan’s and his cult-like following’s objective appears to be to redefine Republican values to suit their populist authoritarian agenda as they have hijacked the KCRCC.

On the other hand, Jack Riggs, Sandy Patano, Christa Hazel, along with many other trustworthy and thoughtful people have come together to defend traditional Republican values. 

An impressive group of candidates who want to ensure our government is run by competent and considerate individuals have come forth to provide you with candidates who will be attentive to your best interest.

While change is a natural part of life, stability when it comes to political integrity is vital to maintaining productive and healthy communities. We need to be committed to ensuring any change in political party and government affairs brings forth an increase in liberty where law and order are concerned.

If you care about fiscal responsibility in government, the welfare of your neighbors and want to see civility and competency practiced by our elected officials, you will refrain from accepting Regan’s and his followers’ divisive and fear-based messaging. 

Trust the North Idaho Republicans; candidate recommendations.


Kootenai County