Sunday, May 19, 2024

COSTCO: Plea for more electric carts

| May 8, 2024 1:00 AM

I happen to be an older disabled senior, but this issue affects all customers of any age requiring an electric shopping cart. Sadly, many times in visiting Costco CDA, I cannot stay to shop as there are NO electric carts. The times I have stayed, my caregiver tries pushing my wheelchair, while I push the huge shopping carts. After running over my feet too many times, we gave up! I have witnessed on these trips three or four other shoppers also trying to get around the store on their wheelchairs.

The bottom line after speaking with management on several occasions is Costco couldn’t care less! I have complained to their Customer Service line, but it is futile, as both they and management at the warehouse stated they are in compliance with four electric carts!

They have lots of “Handicapped/Disabled parking,” but cannot, or don’t care to accommodate us once we are in the store. I find this both despicable and an embarrassment for Costco. Whether it is a young person with a broken leg or old folks unable to walk…whatever. If Costco cared, they would provide more electric carts to assist the disabled/handicapped shopper!


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