Saturday, October 12, 2024

RACISM: Alive and unwell in North Idaho

| March 29, 2024 1:00 AM

The recent incident with the Utah women’s basketball team is an example of the still active racist mentality that exists in part of our community.  

When I retired to this area 15 years ago, I volunteered at a local high school to help coach. In a staff meeting I was commenting on the talent of an upcoming black opponent athlete and another coach said: “You are in North Idaho now. It’s OK to call him a n______!”  

The rest of the staff laughed. I was speechless. These were men who were coaching African American athletes. The bias he voiced had been handed down for generations locally.  

The battle here has not been won but it must still be fought with vigilance far into the future. To paraphrase Toni Morrison, the perpetrators of this incident are people who have a hole in their souls who can only feel tall when others are on their knees. 

