Saturday, April 27, 2024

PARTIES: Darn right there’s a difference

| March 24, 2024 1:00 AM

Evan Koch’s Opinion piece on Republican vs. Democrat decision making unwittingly exposes why Democrats make seriously poor decisions. Proper leadership decision making requires open debate and the consideration of different perspectives — even those opposed to your own.

Both parties debated a position on Israel and I’m glad to hear it was raucous with the Republicans. Traditionally, they use logic, facts and consider the economic impact. 

Democrats traditionally use emotions, feelings and the thrill up their leg, and these not only produce poor decisions with terrible side effects, but emotions create no productive debate.

In this Democratic debate, who can disagree when Liberal Sally “feels” that innocent civilians shouldn’t die? Indeed, who can disagree that is a bad thing? So the Democrat debate was useless platitudes, simply activism for a dream world where that doesn’t happen.

It’s unfortunate that Gazans voted in people to run their government who decided to attack Israel, but if you are a student of history and actually debate on facts, things get much more lively. You’d know a ceasefire favors the terrorists. You’d know the cycle will just happen again. A debate where everyone in the room already agrees on an emotive solution is not leadership — it is a coffee klatch.

So Mr. Koch — thank you for giving us a glimpse into the two worlds. I find it ironic that you state they both took 90 minutes. Clearly, one of those meetings was a waste of time.

