Friday, March 28, 2025

MY TURN: 'Old Guard' put N. Idaho on the map

by ED DePRIEST/Guest Opinion
| March 23, 2024 1:00 AM

I recently conducted a “survey” of those who participate on several social media sites. The following is my conclusion to the responses from those surveys.

Thank you again to those who participated. I had hoped that the focus would stay on answering the questions as to why people came to North Idaho, however, as is unfortunately common on social media; on some of the sites the conversation devolved into argument and name calling, etc., about the consequences of the migration (a topic for another discussion).

As expected, and matching what face-to-face conversations I have had, the following are my takeaways:

Yes, people come for the beauty of the area and family.

But the overwhelming majority indicated they came here for the political climate. They came because North Idaho has had a longtime reputation for being one of the most conservative, Christian and family values-areas in the country.

Now, as some asked: The End Game. Why did I ask those questions? I conducted the “survey” (as unscientific as it was) to receive demonstrable evidence for my conclusions and comments below.

Especially in the last two to five years, people have been using terms like “establishment and old-guard,” etc. Many people have been calling the “old-guard establishment” names like RINOs, liberals, Marxists, woke and the other slurs.

Here is another question:

Who made North Idaho such a conservative, Christian and family-value area that attracted tens of thousands of people over the last 30-40 years? Who elected the representatives and who were those representatives over the past 30-40 years that made North Idaho so attractive to those seeking conservative, Christian and family values? 

It was the “old-guard establishment.” They established the area. They set the tone for the political environment. They are the true conservative, Christian and family-value people who built what so many have come to enjoy.

I came here 30 years ago; yes, because it was a beautiful area, but primarily for the same reasons listed by those who answered the survey. Like-minded people with conservative, Christian and family values.

Has anyone seen the area as divided as it has become in the last two to five years? Has anyone experienced the divisiveness, anger and paranoia as in the last two to five years? When did people start calling neighbors woke, RINO, liberal, Marxists and worse?

When I came here, Idaho was “live-and-let-live.” Now, we have people attempting to impose political and personal values on others, even walking a line of violating people’s constitutional rights.

In May, there will be an election. Of more importance than ever are the KCRCC Precinct Committee positions. How many of you even know what a Precinct Committee person is? How many can name your Precinct person? How many have ever met, or spoken with, your Precinct person?

The propaganda machines are already at work to discredit the fact that there is a candidate running in every Precinct. I would think that would be the desired situation. Choice! Neighborhoods will truly elect their neighbors to represent them at the KCRCC and state GOP meetings and functions.

Many of the candidates are going to be called “old-guard and establishment.” Many candidates are those same people who have lived here decades, if not generations, and are those who helped North Idaho become the conservative, Christian and family-value area that so many have flocked to.

Please get involved. Encourage your friends and neighbors to get involved. Make an attempt to get to know the candidates running in your Precinct/neighborhood. Know where they stand on local issues. Know where they stand on the turmoil that has infected this area. Know where they stand on the North Idaho College and library situations. Know if they truly represent you as a conservative.

Are the candidates people who have a reference of the history of North Idaho? Are they deeply concerned about North Idaho? What buy-in do they have to the community? Have they been a part of making Idaho what attracted so many here in the last 30-40 years? 

Or, are they relatively new people, without reference to the history of North Idaho, without any real buy-in to the community, and who really just want the power, influence and control?

Please educate yourself, not what others tell you, and vote in May.

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Ed DePriest is a Hayden resident.