Monday, October 07, 2024

NOISE: Look up for worst offenders

| March 20, 2024 1:00 AM

Noise ch. 10.8 needs to cover planes/helicopters: that prohibits operation of any vehicle or engine that’s excessively disruptive, annoying or of reasonable sensitivities.

The planes definitely fall under those conditions. Helicopters are the loudest and worst. They hover in circles lasting 20 minutes+, can’t have an outside conversation, one woke me up at 4 this morning. Sounds like we live in a war zone. All day buzzing in the sky, gives me a headache. I smell chemicals (cancerous) from them; they scare my pets and wildlife in my yard. 

Safety issues; who’s monitoring the safety of these aircrafts flying over our homes? There’s been several crashes in the past few years, some fatal. We need to address/include sky traffic in ch. 10.8, noise level control, no fly zones, air safety immediately.  

I keep getting sent to someone else to complain. One numbskull asked me to get the plane number, or contact FAA of WA. I’d rather hear a nice V-8 or Harley engine cruise by than the annoying helicopters and planes that hover excessively over and spew chemicals/gas on our homes. Our livelihood as we knew it is gone. Now we can’t even relax in our own backyard!


Coeur d’Alene