Saturday, March 08, 2025

'In honor of beloved angels'

Staff Writer | March 8, 2024 1:09 AM

POST FALLS — Angela Navejas and her daughter, Ashlin Couch, had a close relationship with Maddie Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves.  

After the earth-shattering 2022 murders in Moscow that also ended, far too early, the lives of Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin, the mother/daughter Navejas team needed a way to pay their love forward.

“We want to commemorate and exemplify the kindness, joy and friendship that Maddie and Kaylee embodied and live vicariously through their memories," Navejas said.

They founded the "Made With Kindness Foundation." 

The nonprofit is hosting a June 15 gala in honor of the two slain University of Idaho students, who were best friends.

The “Make it Pink” gala will take place at The Club at Prairie Falls in Post Falls. The goal is to raise money for the Maddie Kaylee Scholarship Fund "named in honor of our beloved angels."

The fund aims to benefit high school students "who embody the spirit of kindness, joy and friendship that defined Maddie and Kaylee's lives."

“We believe in lighting the way for a brighter future through the power of education, and to provide deserving individuals with the opportunity to pursue their academic dreams," Navejas said.

Other services and opportunities the group is working on include free monthly self-defense classes.

“On- and off-campus safety is extremely important to us,” Navejas said. “So we are trying to form a partnership with a local martial arts business.”

The nonprofit also has plans to incorporate grief counseling. Navejas said the group aims to offer solace and guidance to those dealing with loss, and she wants to ensure no one has to face those struggles alone.

“We want to make a difference in the lives of students and create a community that values education and prioritizes safety,” Navejas said.

The event will feature dinner, entertainment and a silent auction. Individual tickets are $100 and table sponsorships are $1,000.  
