Monday, October 14, 2024

BORDER: Two visits, one lopsided story

| March 6, 2024 1:00 AM

Last week both Trump and Biden went down to the southern border. What a disgraceful debacle on Biden’s part. As expected, he went after Republicans for this crisis which he single-handedly and deliberately created. 

The mainstream liberal media didn’t cover DT’s in depth visit with the Border Patrol and their statement to JB: “Keep our name out of your mouth!” I guess that wasn’t important to mainstream media?  

And I always check local news first to get weather and local sports before the netwoke hacks take over and Thursday night before I switched to real news, David Muir came on to say, President Biden offers a challenge to former President Trump on border challenge. So I took the bait and waited for this challenge. 

It was nothing, just another rambling on by JB for Republicans to eat the poop sandwich that he claims is a bipartisan bill for border reform and if we didn’t eat his poop sandwich disaster looms. Funny stuff, Joe… How about a real challenge unlike David Muir’s and ABCs woke BS challenge? How about a debate, face to face debate, Joe? How about that, a debate, face to face and fact to facts?


Coeur d’Alene