SCHOOLS: Looking for the positive
Behavior problems, such as task refusal, disruption, property destruction, aggression, protestations and others, can result in serious interruptions in any setting — whether in the classroom, at home, in the community or at a workplace.
Kudos to the school districts in North Idaho that are implementing positive behavior interventions and supports, or PBIS, providing a structure for understanding the function of a behavior and identifying possible strategies to reduce problematic behavior while strengthening positive, prosocial behaviors.
Ensuring behavioral expectations are clear at each school site, establishing connections between the schools and students’ families to emphasize these expectations, and incorporating a three-tier model that applies practices that are both preventative and proactive as well as practices for those who are at risk of exhibiting more serious behavior problems — these all work to support students in learning appropriate skills that are likely to increase personal satisfaction and success in a variety of situations, including school, work, social, community, family and recreation settings.