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Monday, July 01, 2024

MY TURN: Kootenai County Public Service Announcement special attention: Washington criminals

Fourth of July is upon us and it is no surprise that many of our arrestees will come from the state of Washington. I have a responsibility to advise Washington criminals that Idaho laws are much different than those in Washington. Here are the top 10 things a criminal should know before bringing unlawful behavior into Kootenai County.

10. Controlled Substance Laws such as fentanyl, methamphetamine and cocaine are illegal in Idaho and one will go to jail or prison.  

9. Marijuana is NOT legal in the state of Idaho.  

8. While other states are relaxing their laws on illegal substances, Idaho is strengthening ours.  

7. Idaho Legislature does NOT dictate to law enforcement how to enforce the law nor what we can or cannot do to take criminals into custody.  

6. Violations of Idaho property crimes and crimes against persons will likely land a criminal in the slammer! 

5. Idahoans look after our most vulnerable population, our children and elderly. Do not prey on our vulnerable neighbors.  

4. I am a Law and Order sheriff who appreciates and encourages Kootenai County Law Enforcement to seek out criminals and take them to jail.  

3. If a criminal does not agree with our stance, may we suggest alternative destinations for your Fourth of July activities such as Seattle, Portland or Los Angeles.  

2. The Kootenai County Bed and Breakfast, our jail, is not the most famous Resort in the city of Coeur d’Alene, that’s on the other side of town. Our accommodations aren’t nearly as nice, the food doesn’t come close and, I assure you, there are no lakeview rooms. Our staff, on the other hand, is the best you will find anywhere.  

And the No. 1 reason why a criminal should not commit a crime in Kootenai County is because the Second Amendment is alive and well in Idaho. Many of our citizens are armed and prepared to protect themselves, their families and their property.