Saturday, July 06, 2024

A1 VETERANS PRESS: Thank you for your service

| June 25, 2024 1:00 AM

Exert from SCRVS May 2024 Newsletter:

For many veterans, these five words of gratitude are difficult to receive. A recent survey found that nearly 70% of service members and veterans feel uncomfortable or awkward when people tell them, “Thank you for your service.” Over the years I have friends communicate that they are genuinely thankful and ask why veterans feel uncomfortable with this heartfelt sentiment. Each time I have struggled to explain that the phrase doesn’t convey an understanding of the sacrifices and experiences we’ve had in the military.  

This past Veterans Day, I was listening to a doctor’s insight on the importance of honoring our military beyond the words “Thank you for your service.” The phrase honors people who are willing to lay down their lives for our country. Such a group of people who will sacrifice themselves for the greater good have earned a special place in our society and deserve our gratitude and appreciation. Touched by these words, I’ve shared this with hardened, experienced veterans. We all have similar responses: a relaxing of the shoulders, softening of the face and perhaps a welling of tears of relief — the kind that occur when you’re finally seen and understood.  

I recently heard a story told by Nicole Malachowski, the first female Thunderbird pilot. Struggling with these same words, she asked a World War II vet how he handles this phrase. He said he made a decision to create connection. Anytime someone says, “Thank you for your service,” he pauses, looks them in the eye, and says, “You were worth it.”  

We are conditioned to downplay our experiences. As veterans, we all know someone who had it worse, or harder, or perhaps didn’t make it home. We see this at the SCRVS Center when folks are reluctant to inquire about benefits they may be entitled to. On Memorial Day, or any day, while we remember and honor the sacrifice of our friends, squad mates and more, I hope you are able to take a moment and realize that “You are worth it.”