Thursday, June 27, 2024

OPINION: Privatizing North Idaho College is a misguided approach

by CHRISTA HAZEL/Guest Opinion
| June 21, 2024 1:00 AM

A few months ago, I highlighted the crucial role federal funds play at North Idaho College. Now, the Idaho GOP, with Trustee Todd Banducci's support, aims to defund higher education across Idaho, including NIC.

At their 2024 State Convention, held at NIC, the Idaho Republican Party voted to change their platform regarding education and the economy. It now states Idaho Republicans do not “support using taxpayer funding for programs beyond high school.” This extreme approach seeks to end all public funding for higher education, which is both misguided and harmful. 

NIC is not just a college; it's a cornerstone of our community. Established in 1933, NIC serves thousands of students across five northern counties. Its mission is to provide affordable and accessible education that is close to home, breaking down barriers and offering opportunities to everyone, regardless of background or economic status. 

NIC serves our community at every age and stage of life: 

Early education: Public money supports the Head Start program, giving preschool children a strong educational foundation and a chance to thrive. 

Senior support: The Area Agency on Aging funds vital services like respite care and meal deliveries, helping seniors live independently with dignity. 

Veteran transition: Public funds help veterans transition to civilian life through education, providing them with tools to start new careers. 

Dual credit high school: NIC helps high school students obtain college credit or certifications at virtually no cost because of public funds. This jumpstarts a path to financial security in a competitive marketplace. 

Workforce development: NIC prepares a skilled workforce that attracts businesses and fosters local economic growth. Programs at the Workforce Training Center help adults gain new skills or pivot in their careers. 

Investing in NIC means investing in the economic freedom and prosperity of our community. 

NIC’s accreditation issues remain in the spotlight as the Idaho Republican Party begins to navigate significant internal policy differences. Leaders like Gov. Brad Little understand the importance of an educated citizenry in protecting and advancing Idaho’s workforce. In contrast, Trustee Todd Banducci voted to privatize NIC by supporting a platform rule change to eliminate public funds for higher education. 

Banducci's actions are astounding. On NIC’s publicly funded campus, he votes to inflate costs through wasteful initiatives like athletic conference changes and frivolous legal actions, while simultaneously seeking to deplete every public dollar supporting NIC. This inconsistency raises questions about Banducci’s true intentions. 

Is the plan to deplete NIC into a poor financial position? Banducci's support to eliminate public funding suggests a strategy to drain NIC’s resources, potentially leaving it vulnerable to privatization. The waste and mismanagement felt by taxpayers is outrageous and ongoing under the current board majority. 

The board majority’s endgame appears to be depleting NIC’s resources to the point where the only option is to sell the buildings and programs to a private school. This would harm our economic vitality and limit our freedoms. Privatizing NIC without a clear funding alternative isn’t a strategic plan — it's a recipe for economic disaster. Public funds are crucial for maintaining the programs and services that benefit everyone in North Idaho. 

Banducci’s formal actions undermine accessible education in North Idaho. It suggests a conflict of interest and potentially a violation of his fiduciary duty as a board member. 

NIC is vital to North Idaho's past, present and future. Public funding for NIC ensures that education remains accessible, supports our community at every stage of life, and drives local economic growth. It is more than a college; it is the bedrock of our community as an economic engine. 

Defunding and privatizing NIC is like cutting off our nose to spite our face. Investing in NIC is investing in North Idaho, and that’s something we should all support. 

P.S.: November is coming! The board’s majority positions held by Todd Banducci, Greg McKenzie and Mike Waggoner are on the ballot. Stay tuned! 

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Christa Hazel is the communications director for Save NIC and formerly elected school board trustee with Coeur d'Alene Schools, and a previous Precinct Committeeman with the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee.