Thursday, June 27, 2024

LIBRARIES: Blank’s resignation was a true loss

| June 21, 2024 1:00 AM

Community Library Network Trustee Katie Blank resigned — a true loss of leadership and institutional knowledge. She’s been a protector of the free exchange of ideas and information and a shining example of citizen participation. Ask why.

In the past two years, the Community Library Network has had two directors and several library managers resign. Ask why.

On the Board of Trustees, the domineering, inexperienced majority “trinity” has wasted money and time micromanaging the libraries. Ask why.

In order to comply with new Idaho legal code, the trustees rewrote the Relocation of Material for Minors section of policy. Any court in any state can control what books are in our children’s collection (up to age 18). Materials won’t be placed in the regular section of the library. They’ll be in a newly created “Adults Only” section. The trustees said if a library is too small to have an Adults Only section, then perhaps materials will be put into the larger libraries where patrons in smaller communities can request them. Ask why.

As citizens we all need to be aware of what our Idaho Legislature sets into law and how our local library trustees write library policy and procedures. Trustee meetings can be viewed on YouTube by going to and finding links in the Board of Trustees section.

We’ve lost another pillar of support for our local libraries. Hopefully, Vanessa Robinson will hang in there and we can elect another trustee who understands the true purpose of community libraries.  

