Thursday, June 27, 2024

HISTORY: Honoring veterans, protecting the vulnerable

| June 21, 2024 1:00 AM

Recently, our family created a military “shadow box” for a grandfather who served in both world wars (1917-1947) and an uncle who served in WWII and Korea.  

Even though my wife and I are both veterans, it was a steep learning curve identifying over 15 medals and ribbons — such as the WWI Victory Medal or even the 3rd Marine Division insignia! 

Grandfather even had a commendation from Pacific Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz for serving as the senior chaplain at the Battle of Bougainville (September 1943 to Jan. 4, 1944) in the Solomon Islands in which over 1,200 Americans and Australians died. 

A teachable moment presented itself as our grandchildren learned about their great-great-grandfather! At one point, Grandpa choked up, and our three grandsons also showed emotion!  

Sadly, today many veterans and seniors are being overcharged. Our example is inflated charges from the billing office of a medical facility. 

This medical facility for over a year tried to get an extra $675.35 from our family. Though we are in our 80s, we won. Later, they tried to get $1,439.67 from us. We proved them wrong again!   

If 1,000 patients are overbilled $300 on average, that is an extra $300,000 for that hospital!  

Scamming comes in many forms — a new furnace or $80,000 for home remodeling. All unneeded to solve a problem!  

Thank you, if you are helping and protecting vulnerable seniors from incompetence and scamming!  

“He who earnestly seeks good finds favor, but trouble will come to him who seeks evil.” (Proverbs 11:27). 

