Monday, March 10, 2025

DEMOCRATS: Thanks for all the failed policies

| June 21, 2024 1:00 AM

So Geraldine Douglas in her rantings against Republicans thinks Democrats should be thanked for the assorted ill-conceived, wasteful, and poorly executed initiatives that Lenin and Trotsky would applaud.

Let’s just take one of Douglas’s claims that Democrats are responsible for the Voting Rights Act. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is that without overwhelming support by Republican senators, the act would not have passed. Over one-third of Democrat senators did not support the act! Take a look:

Beneficiaries of the American Rescue Plan are also thankful. Especially those incarcerated in our prisons and foreign nationals living in other countries! Look here:

For certain, the Taliban is thankful for the tens of millions of dollars in military equipment Democrats handed over; as is Iran’s Khamenei for unfreezing Iran’s assets so as to further its terrorist activities. Not since Harry Truman as a Democrat had a clue as to how to end military hostilities. Accordingly, our adversaries are thankful for Democrats.

Home-grown rioters and looters are thankful to Democrats.

Millions of illegal immigrants are thankful to Democrats for being allowed to enter the U.S. encouraged and aided by Democrats. After all, there must be millions of miles of sidewalks in the U.S. ready to be occupied with more tents and be defecated upon. And, of course, our schools, medical facilities and prisons can’t wait to service these new arrivals.

Among the thankful, don’t forget the scores of folks unable to purchase a home these days due to Democrat policies. 

As for me, I’d just be thankful for someone to let President Biden wander off.


Coeur d’Alene