Tuesday, June 25, 2024

One of the Silver Valley's finest: Sgt. Maj. David Nimrick

Staff Writer | June 14, 2024 1:05 AM

FORT BLISS, TEXAS –– On Wednesday, David Nimrick graduated from the Sergeants Major Academy and was promoted to sergeant major in the U.S. Army.  

For Nimrick, a Kellogg High School graduate and Silver Valley native, the Army was a way for him to see the world and have his schooling paid for. But 18 years later, he finds himself in elite company and a career soldier. 

“There are nine enlisted ranks in the Army, and you must be selected over your peers across the entire Army through comprehensive promotion panels to reach this prestigious rank,” Nimrick said.  

The Sergeants Major Academy is a 10-month school, focusing on leadership and providing the Army with agile and adaptive senior enlisted leaders. 

Nimrick was deployed to Iraq in April 2007 and didn’t return home until July 2008. But after his initial enlistment came to an end, he elected to continue his service because he enjoyed serving and helping others.  

As he rose through the ranks, new opportunities came his way — including earning a bachelor's degree in business management with a minor in marketing, as well as completing his master’s degree in leadership and leadership studies.  

But according to Nimrick, nothing he had done compared to the challenge of being chosen for SMA.  

“The history and legacy of the rank of sergeant major is prestigious, and I never would have imagined I would get to this level," he said. "Once I was selected, completion was my only goal.”  

Now that he has completed his schooling, Nimrick will serve as the Minneapolis Battalion Operations sergeant major, overseeing a large region that includes Minnesota, Iowa, North and South Dakota, focusing on recruiting operations. He then will be assigned as a Battalion Command sergeant major in the U.S. Army Recruiting Command.  

“It was and is a surreal feeling being referred to as sergeant major,” Nimrick said. “I am sure it always will be. After graduation, my feeling was just gratefulness. I have been blessed with the best family, friends and the best soldiers anyone could have.”