Wednesday, June 26, 2024

GOOD OL’ DAYs: Plenty of good things about them

| June 14, 2024 1:00 AM

Susan Crowe’s Good ol’ Days column, June 8, is another in a long string of grievances by those who insist on keeping the memory of American wrongs and injustices, particularly, in Ms. Crowe’s case, committed by “the white middle class,” and by “white males, towns, and families” at the forefront of our history (see Communist manifestos and treatises on how to seize control of a nation). I see a deep-seated distain by her for America since its inception, i.e., founded by white Europeans (inherently wrong), and everything has gone downhill since then.

Unfortunately, wrong behaviors (sin) will continue by some until Christ’s earthly return. However, the wrongs dutifully listed by Ms. Crowe that could be legislatively or constitutionally corrected have been for many years. I covet “the good ol’ days” with much of society, like when everyone stood with hands over hearts and enthusiastically and patriotically sang/recited our National Anthem/Pledge of Allegiance (likewise, proudly celebrating our July 4th founding and other patriotic national holidays) and were not labeled “extreme,” “radical” or “dangerous” for doing so.

Or when those desiring to immigrate to America respected our sovereignty and laws, and performed the legal steps necessary to do so, rather than intentionally and illegally crashing our borders by the thousands, then becoming wards of the state, whose care becomes a huge public burden. Or when weekly church attendance, grounding us in morality and spiritual training, was a normal event for a majority of Americans. Or when our cities were great, exciting centers of business, commerce, industry, history and leisure, rather than unsafe places of fear, danger and rampant crime. Good ol’ days? Yes!


Coeur d’Alene