Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Post Falls Lions Club celebrates 60 years

Staff Writer | June 8, 2024 1:07 AM

POST FALLS — The motto of Lions Club International is, "We serve."

With shining pins, well-worn aprons, rolled-up sleeves and an abundance of love for their community, members of the Post Falls Lions Club have been living that club motto for 60 years.

“For me, to be a Lion is camaraderie with the other members, but it’s giving back to my community,” Post Falls Lions Club President Larry Luther said. “That’s what it’s all about."

In the six decades since the club began, Post Falls Lions have raised funds and awareness for the blind and visually impaired through White Cane Days; they helped restore the head gate of the Corbin Ditch; they raised funds — and quite the frights — with their Halloween haunted house; they built the Lions Grand Pavilion in Q'emiln Park; they sold corn on the cob at the fair; they supported veterans by donating to the American Legion; and the list goes on.

"It's pretty cool. I like the aspect of helping the community," said five-year member Matt Snider, who is a Lion alongside his grandfather, Bert Thoreson, a longtime member of the club.

Snider said he has created many good memories being a Lion.

"No matter what we do, it's always full of laughter," he said. "Even street cleanup is a good time. Everybody laughs, has a good time. And friendships — we'll have friendships forever. They may be old enough to be my grandparents, but they're my friends."

The club's vice president, Joel Nelson, said they've built a great legacy in town.

"When we do our projects, everybody's always grateful," Nelson said. "We've been doing it for 60 years."

Established in 1964, the club currently has 14 members and five members in its branch club, River City Lions.

While many families serve in the club, those in the volunteer service organization who aren't related by blood consider each other to be family.

"There's so many different, cool people and so many different backgrounds," Nelson said.

He fondly spoke of the sorely missed Lion, Mike Jarrett, who died in February.

"If you knew Mike, everybody was special," Nelson said. "He went above and beyond, was outgoing. He actually got me into the Lions."

The two families have children the same age and Nelson's wife is legally blind, so Jarrett volunteered to carpool the kids and help Nelson's wife find equipment she needed when she went back to school for her master's degree.

"He was just above and beyond," Nelson said. "It was a huge, big loss to our community and to our club."

Blue and yellow balloons danced on the breeze during the celebration as two new members — Chris Brown and Carlos Martinez —  were inducted into the club and officers were installed. Luther will again serve as president and Nelson was announced as the 2024 Lion of the Year.

Longtime member Lyn Harriman was presented a humanitarian service award.

"It cost the club a few bucks to get this award, but it's to a very deserving member," Luther said. "For all your years of service, thank you very much."

Harriman in turn surprised Luther with a special gift.

"I've been a member of this club for over 20 years, and I was fortunate enough to serve with many members who, while not charter members, were offspring, friends or relatives of charter members," Harriman said. 

When he served as president, a charter member's son passed onto him a past-president ring.

"I have waited for us to have a new president that has come to our club and displayed the leadership characteristics that were shown by those original charter members," Harriman said. "I'd like to present this past-president's ring to Larry Luther."

The Lions Club is always on the prowl for new members. Its next event is the Post Falls Lions Brewfest, which will be from 2 to 5 p.m. June 29 at the Post Falls American Legion, 1138 E. Poleline Ave. Tickets are $25.

Visit e-clubhouse.org/sites/postfalls/page-10.php or www.facebook.com/PostFallsLionsClub for details.

    From left, Post Falls Lions secretary Ted Macaulay and President Larry Luther swear in new members Chris Brown and Carlos Martinez during a ceremony Wednesday.
    First Vice President and Lion of the Year Joel Nelson mans the grill Wednesday during the Post Falls Lions Club's 60th anniversary celebration and installation of officers, held in the Lions Grand Pavilion in Q'emiln Park.
    The Post Falls Lions mascot was always performed by late Lion Bob Hubof, seen in costume during the 2010 Post Falls Festival Parade. The Post Falls club is celebrating 60 years this year.
    Janice Macaulay is presented Wednesday with a gift from Post Falls Lions President Larry Luther for baking cookies for meetings and helping with the 2023 Post Falls Lions Brewfest.