Saturday, September 28, 2024

MY TURN: Standing against hate in our community

by MIKE BAKER/Guest Opinion
| June 7, 2024 1:00 AM

The recent incident at McEuen Park, where students from the Coeur d’Alene Tribe were racially harassed, is a stark reminder of the work we must continue to do to foster a community of respect and understanding. Hate, in any form, cannot be tolerated. It is not just an attack on individuals but an assault on the very fabric of our community.

Bullies, by their nature, are weak. Their actions stem from a place of fear and ignorance, masking their insecurities by attempting to diminish others. Such behavior is not only pathetic but also dangerous, as it undermines the principles of equality and justice that we strive to uphold.

We are profoundly grateful for the Coeur d'Alene Tribe and their deep care and commitment to North Idaho. They have enriched our community in countless ways, and it breaks my heart to see events like this occur. Their resilience and dedication to building a better future for all should inspire us to act with greater compassion and solidarity. 

It is time for our elected officials in North Idaho to take a firm stand against such incidents. Silence or ambiguity on these matters can be interpreted as tacit approval, and our community deserves leaders who are unequivocally opposed to hate and bigotry. We must ask ourselves: Do our current leaders support actions like this through their inaction or lack of condemnation? 

We need leaders who will speak out, who will stand up for every member of our community and who will ensure that North Idaho is a place where everyone feels safe and respected. It's time to hold our elected officials accountable and demand that they publicly denounce these acts of hatred and work actively to prevent them in the future. 

When we witness such incidents, we all have a responsibility to step up. Do not be a bystander. Record the incident, speak out against the perpetrators and offer support to those who are targeted. Our collective action can create a powerful message that hate has no place here.

Let us come together to reject hate and bullying and to build a community where kindness and respect are the norms. Our children are watching, and it is our responsibility to lead by example.

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Mike Baker is CEO of Heritage Health.