Wednesday, July 03, 2024

LIBRARY: CleanBooks4Kids is grassroots

| June 7, 2024 1:00 AM

I must correct assertions from Theresa Birkett’s May 29 My Turn. Perhaps Ms. Birkett needs a dictionary because “dictates” are from dictators. CleanBooks4Kids is a grassroots group of concerned Kootenai County citizens. As such, our influence is focused on community education — as our website attests. Regarding “concrete evidence,” if we encased these sexually explicit books for minors in concrete frames, it still wouldn’t be enough “concrete” evidence for some. Nevertheless, undeniable evidence is available at Keep in mind that these examples are only a subset of what’s available and far from a complete listing.

Speaking of dictionaries and Kootenai County, is Ms. Birkett engaging in misinformation or disinformation by linking CleanBooks4Kids and Boundary County’s kids’ library book efforts? CleanBooks4Kids has no affiliation with or involvement in any Boundary County efforts. Citizens there are their own group focusing on their library and their actions are autonomous. 

Ms. Birkett referenced “chaos” at CLN, yet ironically, it was in fact recently created by her own cohorts who were escorted by two sheriff’s deputies from a CLN board meeting due to repeated outbursts during a meeting. Additionally, CLN’s board recently had to create a policy regarding publicly held signs at board meetings because of the large and vision-blocking signs held by those who affiliate with Ms. Birkett. True — the new board members are creating much-needed change at CLN, but since it’s change unwelcome by some, she refers to it as “chaos.” Again, dictionaries are useful.

Most importantly, the new Children’s School & Library Protection Act was enacted in April. Will the staff comply with the new law? We’ll know by July 1. Just in time for fireworks.



Founder, CleanBooks4Kids