Saturday, September 28, 2024

DEJA VU: Another Strong Man rising to power

| June 7, 2024 1:00 AM

It seems like we’ve been here before…

During the 1930s, there was a Strong Man who came to Power in Germany. He promised to “Make Germany Great Again.” (He would restore Prosperity, rebuild the Military, and gather up all those People who weakened the Blood Lines of Germany and concentrate them in “Camps” where they could be controlled.) Today, here in our own Country, there is a Populist Leader who is promising to “Make America Great Again.” (He would restore Prosperity, rebuild the Military, and gather up all the “Illegal Immigrants” and put them in “Detention Centers” along our Southern Border.)

Do we have to go through this again? Will the Base Emotions of Hate, Anger and Fear, become our nation’s guiding principles? Do we have to relive the Nightmare, and all the Trauma, of Intolerance? Will we let an American Hitler take over our Country?


Coeur d’Alene