Friday, July 05, 2024

TRUMP: Trial was rigged

| June 5, 2024 1:00 AM

Stalin would be pleased!

Andrey Vyshinsky, Stalin’s favorite Show Trial Prosecutor, would be proud of the proceedings in N.Y. vs. Trump. Every technique employed by Vyshinsky except depriving the accused of his belt was used by Judge Juan Merchan to ensure that this People’s Court arrived at the predestined verdict.

Democrats, today you do everything that you accuse your opponents of. It is you who are dismantling our democracy. Fearing a genuine election where citizens choose between your failed ideas and Trump’s proven policies, you embrace Stalinism.

Make no mistake, American citizens see you clothed in your desperate weakness by these illegitimate means you have chosen. Your abuse of the law to punish your political opponents is fundamentally un-American.

We will fight you in the courts. We will fight you at the ballot box. We will fight you in the political arena of public opinion. We will never surrender!  

If your commissars put Trump in the deepest, darkest cell in our prison system, framed for the most heinous of trumped-up crimes, I shall vote for him. I will do so to save our democracy from the existential threat that you and your totalitarian methods pose. So will America!

You have sown the wind for a Trump and MAGA landslide this November. Prepare to reap the whirlwind on Tuesday, Nov. 5!  


Coeur d’Alene