Saturday, September 28, 2024

Harris: Drought is over

| June 5, 2024 1:00 AM

COEUR d’ALENE —  More than an inch of rain over two days has Cliff Harris in a mood to celebrate.

“We’ve recovered from that mini-drought and we’re on our way,” Harris said Tuesday afternoon.

The climatologist recorded 1.11 inches of rain over Monday and Tuesday, not far off June’s entire average rainfall of 1.93.

Since May 22, 2.2 inches of rain has fallen in Coeur d’Alene, a big turnaround from just .39 inches for the entire month of April.

It should help dampen fire dangers this summer.

"We went from horribly dry to really wet,” Harris said. “I’m happy about that.”

Normal precipitation through June is 12.31 inches. Coeur d’Alene is already at 12.77.

But don’t let all this rain, wind, cool conditions and gray skies depress you even though it's June. Warmth and sunshine are on the way.

Temperatures are expected to get close to the 70s today and then have highs in the 80s starting Friday and continuing into next week.

Harris predicts a hot summer of above-normal temperatures, “but not boiling hot.” He’s expecting Coeur d’Alene to see about 25 days of 90 degrees or higher this year.