Saturday, July 06, 2024

GOOD NEWS: Students are helping their communities

| June 5, 2024 1:00 AM

Celebrate the good news and good people.

How nice it was for two days in a row to read stories about the good, generous and helpful people of Idaho.

I am referring to the stories about the “Celebration of Philanthropy” and the Timberlake High School students.

Too often we have been exposed to the nastiness of political vitriol extreme opinions and constant negativity toward people that have different beliefs than we do.

It lifted my spirit and renewed my faith to be reminded that there are a lot of really good people in Idaho doing the right thing, including many upstanding respectful young people.

These students are to be commended, and I would hope they will be an example to other schools in the area. Come on Coeur d’Alene High School get those students out in the community giving back and showing gratitude for this great city. I know there are lots of young people out there like that.

Praise and thankfulness for good, decent people.

