Monday, July 01, 2024

DEFAMATION: Thornbrugh’s coverage was excellent

| June 2, 2024 1:00 AM

The Coeur d’Alene Press has a gem among it’s many talented and professional journalists. I’m referring to Kaye Thornbrugh and the excellent job she did during the defamation lawsuit trial against Summer Bushnell that was so justly brought by Eric Posey.

The outcome of this trial gives so many of the citizens in our community and beyond, assurance that justice will be served here. Because of Kaye Thornbrugh and her professional, honest and diligent reporting, we were kept informed of what was going on during that trial. Her reporting was picked up nationally and internationally because of her excellent ability to convey the facts in a fair and timely manner.

Thank you to Kaye, for a difficult job well done. Congratulations to Eric Posey and Wendy Olson as well, for getting the justice Eric deserved!


Coeur d’Alene