Sunday, October 06, 2024

TRUMP: Doesn’t have the attributes of a good leader

| July 31, 2024 1:00 AM

Dave Walker is a brave civic individual and I respect his stand against Trumpism. He points out that the attributes of a good leader are honesty, integrity, credibility and ethics. 

As well as civility, humility, gratitude, compassion, encouragement, humor and empathy. Breaking it down, Trump has none of those traits or attributes. Donald Trump is a horse trader and a charlatan of the first order who throws the serfs a bone and expects blind fealty like a Feudal lord. 

His gold toilets and gold crowns are all you need to know of a shallow puppet master. If Republicans do not see him for the fraud he is and hand Democracy and the United States to him on his gold platter then the USA will be gutted. He prefers to burn the nation to the ground via his hijacking of Christianity, the American Flag and Nationalism/Nazism. He has broken and manipulated every one of the Ten Commandments on his covetous rise to power. 

I just hope our very red state takes a serious look behind the curtain and shuts out Trump, the wannabe King. Our Republican legislators have chosen to follow him over the cliff like lemmings and should not be re-elected. Our KCRCC Trumpees need to also be replaced. Time for a clean sweep back to attributes Dave has outlined. 

Thanks Dave for being a true, patriotic American of the highest order!


Coeur d’Alene