Saturday, September 07, 2024

BIDEN: He had more than a cold

| July 24, 2024 1:00 AM

The response by Ms. Ford has so much misinformation it is a shame it was printed.

President Biden may or may not have had a cold but clearly he is mentally diminished.

Biden has dropped out of running for re-election. Maybe he has another “cold.”

The only “Russian collusion” was the democrats and the DOJ decimating false information.

Regarding bleach, Trump was tossing wild ideas out not recommending injecting bleach.

Fine people another quote twisted out of context.

Biden also had classified documents in his garage. Careless? Yes.

Project 2025 will not turn the USA into a dictatorship, more hyperbole.

Jan. 6 was mostly a nonviolent protest. Trump urged peace.

The Supreme Court has not elevated the office of president to king. Another complete misrepresentation of the ruling.


Hayden Lake