Saturday, September 07, 2024

VANCE: Who is this bearded man?

| July 21, 2024 1:00 AM

Like many people, I did not know who Mr. Trump’s V.P. was. I know Mr. Trump said he should be someone who could step in to be the next President, should something happen to him. Wikipedia here I went.

A 39-year-old man with three children. Been a senator from Iowa since 2023, definitely not a career politician. He met his wife, who is the daughter of Indian immigrants, while they both went to Harvard Law school. He also is an ex-Marine and worked in the private sector as a venture capitalist. Must admit, I was impressed so far.

In some ways it reminded me of a young John F. Kennedy. While Kennedy was born with a silver spoon, it was not that way for Mr. Vance, quite the opposite. You could say he represented all of the good values that the U.S. stands for, hard work and you can become anything you want.

In 2016 he wrote his memoir called “Hillbilly Elegy,” which was made into a movie by Ron Howard, still shown on Netflix. Naturally I watched the movie. Wow, is all I can say. Born into poverty and physical abuse, with a drug-addicted mother, in one of the poorest states.

Surprisingly he was a never-Trump supporter. Said many nasty things about him. So why did Mr. Trump pick him, makes you wonder?

Maybe because he is the epitome of the American dream. I think he might have just picked a future president. Mr. Trump did what all presidents should do, put our country first, above political parties and personal dislikes, very impressed.


Coeur d’Alene