Friday, September 06, 2024

DEMOCRATS: Practice civility before lecturing others

| July 21, 2024 1:00 AM

By God’s grace, history is shaped. Human free will plays a role, but there are certain moments where I believe that divine providence intervenes. The driver of Franz Ferdinand’s motorcade took a wrong turn towards Gavrillo Princip in 1914, sparking World War I. A sacrifice of American torpedo bombers brought Japanese fighters down to wavetop altitudes just in time to open the path for the crucial U.S. dive bomber attacks that won the Battle of Midway. In the same way, Donald Trump turning his head at precisely the right moment transformed a definite kill into a minor wound.

Sadly, hypocrisy has been on display in the days since the failed assassination. Democrats and their media sycophants have been chiding the rest of us about (what else?!) the language we choose to use to express our political convictions. This is like blaming both a perpetrator and victim equally for each having been involved in a crime.

Joe Biden and Jen Psalki are but two of the people who are now calling for “civility.” For years, they and their allies have called Trump and his supporters existential threats to “our democracy.” Biden staged a Nuremberg-style national address, with blood-red background lighting, to demonize “Ultra-MAGA Republicans.” Biden’s allies are still trying to legally prosecute Trump with “lawfare” in the courts. Obama and Biden redirected the FBI to shift primary attention away from Islamic terror to zoom in on “domestic terrorists” (Conservatives, Libertarians, & Republicans).  

Democrats, regarding civility, why don’t you try leading by example!

Coeur d’Alene