Saturday, September 07, 2024

PUBLIC MEETINGS: Boards should brush up on Idaho law

| July 17, 2024 1:00 AM

An agenda and notice of public meeting must be posted at least five days before a public meeting. These can be posted on a library door. Any item of business must be an ‘action item’ if it is to be voted on. To go into executive session requires an ‘action item’ and as I understand, decisions cannot be made in executive session. Minutes must be kept for executive sessions. If a quorum meets outside a formal meeting, then that IS a public meeting and minutes must be kept.

As to hiring, here’s what state agencies must do: as I understand, all other entities of state government must do. I know cities and counties, sewer and water districts also follow these rules. We had to produce a RFP (request for proposal) which outlined the duties and educational requirements of the position to be filled. A deadline for proposals must be set. Then we had to interview the top five candidates. This requires a committee to review these proposals. Then the committee can select one applicant. These RFPs can be as detailed as the position requires.

It would behoove the boards of these public institutions to read the Idaho law on public meetings and hiring. As I understand it and I could be wrong, board members can now be sued individually for malfeasance. The most serious violations around the state are usually fiscal violations. I know the agency I worked for was once sued for violations of public meeting laws.    

