Saturday, September 07, 2024

FIREWORKS: More important things to worry about

| July 17, 2024 1:00 AM

IE: Fleeing to Canada to escape noise that dog gets anxiety from and wants more law enforcement of current restrictions. First, my dog is my dog, therefore my problem to comfort him. I don’t ask the understaffed, overworked LEOs of city, county, state or any dept to deal with my dog’s anxiety. He too hates the noise from artillery shells. He also hates trucks, USPS and anyone walking near his front yard.

I don’t understand the tears you shed or the demands you seek for a non taxpaying dog on our tax funded agencies. Please take your concerns and start a community action group for things that 99% of the community deals with like adults and not seek to restrict other adults’ rights to celebrate Independence Day with (getting bigger and louder every year) fireworks.

I wish it would be limited to let's say the 2nd through 7th as the 12th is past the annoying at 1 a.m. but again there’s a lot better things that my energy gets allocated too like dreaming of the old days when my rights won’t be restricted was what mattered to everyone. Crybabies thinking their complaints or slight inconvenience must be heard and corrected is a joke. Like my momma always said, “Deal with it or go to your room to cry about it so I don’t have to hear it.”


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