Saturday, September 07, 2024

FIREWORKS: Lack of enforcement should be covered

| July 14, 2024 1:00 AM

Regarding Kathy Ishoo’s letter concerning illegal fireworks laws not being enforced. I (and others) wrote similar letters last year. Nothing has changed. In fact my neighbors say it was worse. I purposefully fled to Canada to give our dog a respite from the noise. I wrote Sheriff Norris a letter after last year’s debacle and did not get a response. In fairness to him he probably would still be responding to last year’s inquires. Talked to a few deputies and officers over the year and all they can say is “we do what we can.”  

Your paper seems to have a passion for the library and NIC issues. Why not take this issue up as a cause to celebrate too? Interview the sheriff and get his thoughts on the record about what can be done. Publish how many stops and citations were issued during this time. What is the maximum fine? Ask the sheriff to publish that emphasis patrols will be established every year. What are his thoughts on citizen patrol enforcement. This isn’t a one article, one week or one year project. It will require years of emphasis if we are able to get some control over the current debacle.

Come on Press. In many ways you are the people’s voice. Use it.  

