Saturday, September 07, 2024

FAIRGROUNDS: Keep them where they are

| July 14, 2024 1:00 AM

Dear Commissioner Brooks,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the proposed relocation of our local fairgrounds. As an event owner who brings approximately 4,500 attendees to the Kootenai County Fairgrounds annually, I have witnessed firsthand the significant positive impact this location has on our local economy, particularly for hotels, restaurants and other small businesses.

The current fairgrounds’ central location is a critical factor in the success of our event. Its proximity to a variety of hotels and dining establishments makes it convenient for our attendees, many of whom travel from out of town. This convenience translates directly into economic benefits for our community. Each year, our event contributes substantial revenue to local hotels through bookings, while restaurants, cafes, and bars see increased patronage as attendees seek dining options before and after event activities.

Relocating the fairgrounds to a less accessible or less familiar location could significantly reduce this influx of visitors. Many of our attendees have become accustomed to the current location and its surrounding amenities, and a change could disrupt their willingness to participate, leading to a decline in attendance. This, in turn, would negatively impact local businesses that have come to rely on the revenue generated during our event.

I urge you to consider the broader economic implications of relocating the fairgrounds. The current site is not just a venue; it is a cornerstone of our local economy, supporting numerous businesses and providing a source of community pride. Preserving its location is vital for maintaining the economic vitality that events like ours bring to the area.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. 



Modern Homesteading Events LLC