Sunday, July 07, 2024

OLSON: Letter included misinformation

| January 28, 2024 1:00 AM

I’d like to respond to Brian Olson’s letter of Jan. 21. He claims energy prices are up 38%, and in fact crude oil is right where it was, $74/bbl, in June of 2021. Retail gasoline is now $3/gallon, and it was $2.94/gal in May 2019, the end of the Trump presidency. Where is 38% coming from Brian? On the southern border: Olson claims 8 million have been allowed in which is nonsense. The last two years of Trump saw 1.36 million arrests, with 650,000 repatriations. The first 26 months of Biden saw 5 million arrests with 2.5 million repatriations. Unlike Brian, I will give my sources, which are the DHS and Customs and Border Protection.

And one other very important note here: Donald Trump wants that border issue to fester because it is a constant source of chaos, hatred and division. These were high priorities during his presidency, and of his candidacy now. On food, gasoline and inflation: The president, regardless of who that is, does not control world wide inflation or food security or gasoline prices or housing costs. There are wars, climate issues, drought, seaborne transport issues, supply-and-demand, and chemical inputs prices, all of which determine what we pay for all these commodities. On the economy: Inflation is down year-over-year, gas is down, and the DOW index just hit 38,000 for the first time. Yes … what a terrible mess. So, Mr. Olson … just keep repeating the same misinformation … it’s what Trump supporters do best in lieu of facts.


Bonners Ferry