Friday, July 19, 2024

ABORTION: ‘Do the inconvenient/sacrificial thing’

| January 28, 2024 1:00 AM

I find it interesting that pro-life (against abortion), and pro-choice (for abortion) had scheduled a march on Saturday, Jan. 20. I read that about 400 pro-life marchers followed through with their commitment and marched, however the pro-choice march was postponed due to the inconvenience of inclement weather. This event is very telling as to the different philosophies of these two camps. One is willing to sacrifice in order to do what they feel is right, while the other takes the easy way out to avoid discomfort.

I do have empathy for those facing an unplanned pregnancy however. I was in that situation nearly 50 years ago at the age of 19. To be honest, the thought of abortion had entered my mind. I was young and scared, but my girlfriend and I decided to continue with the pregnancy. That baby is now 48 years old with four children of his own. I will never know how my life would have turned out if we had decided that it was too much of an inconvenience to have that baby. I do know how his life would have turned out though.

We men can easily say it’s a woman’s issue/choice. We obviously played a part in this and have some influence over the outcome. I implore you to do the inconvenient/sacrificial thing. We all know deep within our hearts that a baby in the womb is a human life.


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