Monday, October 14, 2024

CRITICAL THINKING: ‘Look for outcomes’

| January 26, 2024 1:00 AM

Critical thinking is: “The ability to interpret, evaluate, and analyze facts and information that are available, to form a judgment or decide if something is right or wrong.”

A HERI study asked how faculty members self-identify across the political spectrum. In 1989-90, when HERI first fielded this survey. 42% of the faculty were on the left. 40% were moderate and 18% were on the right. Almost 3 decades later in 2016-17, HERI found that 60% of the faculty identified as either far left or liberal compared to just 12% being conservative, or far right.

In that same 3 decades period, 31% percent of the population stated they were conservative. 43% are moderate and 24% are liberal or very liberal. This survey shows the nation as a whole leaned a bit to the right; at the same time college and university faculty lunged to the left. Move forward to present day and that disparity continues to grow.

This shift left to Marxist ideology and indoctrination, is evidenced by that which we recently saw on display from our Ivy League universities. This is their agenda.

1. Dissuade critical thinking as a means of coping with opposing views and life’s difficulty.

2. Inflame Marxist hatred for the American ideal, which leads to an overarching victimhood mentality, which relies on a welfare state, which relieves victims of personal responsibility.

3. Overfocus on marginalized groups and restrict free speech.

4. This indoctrination, trains victims who are easily triggered by facts, to foment hate and cancel culture. The left has at their disposal, a ready army of non-thinking, radical revolutionaries.

There is an alternative, which until now has lasted the test of time. God’s design for society is the single-family unit. Two parents in the home and a Biblical foundation built on His truth. Here is an alternative, which requires critical thinking. Look for outcomes.

