Sunday, July 07, 2024

BIDEN: Administration ‘a disaster’

| January 21, 2024 1:00 AM

Moody’s economic analytics state that since Biden took office in 2021 average Americans, due to increased energy, housing and food prices, are now in 2024 spending $1,020 more a month than they were in 2020. Food prices have increased 33.7%, energy prices are up 33.8% and housing costs are up 18.7%. Many people are working two jobs just to make ends meet and are shocked and dismayed with the increased prices of everything.

Besides the economy: What about the border? There have been eight million illegals let into the country since Biden took office and opened up our borders with no controls. That is the most amount of illegals for any presidency ever. 85% of illegals stopped at the border the last three years have been released with little if any vetting and received notices that they might have to appear for an immigration hearing in 2031? This flood of humanity is being let in by the Democrats in the hope that they will find a way to vote and will be encouraged to vote Democratic. I believe that is a real threat to our nation and Democracy.

Crime in larger areas is out of control because of BLM and the defund the police movement being appeased by liberal politicians with very weak or the complete elimination of prosecutions for many crimes. Criminals commit crimes with no fear of being arrested or held accountable and if arrested are back out on the street before the police officer even finishes his report.

The fentanyl epidemic (very closely related to the drug being smuggled through the open border) has resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and homeless drug addicts taking over the downtown areas of many major United States cities causing people to no longer want to live, work or visit there and business closing their doors. 

The Biden Administration has been a disaster for America and the American people.


Coeur d’Alene