Friday, June 28, 2024

NIC BOARD MAJORITY: Making frivolous decisions

| January 19, 2024 1:00 AM

Frivolous, as defined by the dictionary “not having any serious purpose or value.” Banducci, McKenzie and Waggoner, the three KCRCC rated and vetted elected trustees who are currently the majority on the NIC board of trustees and their two lawyers, who they seem to esteem, have had yet another exercise in frivolity that was a waste of taxpayer time and money. 

Judge McHugh’s court order of Jan. 17 found in favor of president of NIC Swayne’s highly reasonable request to view the completed investigation into allegations by a former employee against himself. The chair of the board referenced bits of this investigation in Swayne’s evaluation. It is only common sense that President Swayne had every right to view the entirety of the investigation and its conclusions. 

The board majority (Banducci, McKenzie and Waggoner) said no. To the casual observer, this is ludicrous. Swayne took the only course of action available to him after he had exhausted all others and took the matter to court. The judge found in Swayne’s favor. They must by law allow their employee, Swayne, to view parts of the investigation as they relate to him. How much longer will Banducci, McKenzie and Waggoner continue to make frivolous decisions that negatively affect the taxpayers in this community? It is beyond ridiculous. The behavior of these three is mean spirited and ill informed. Just because they are elected, does not mean they have the right to waste taxpayer money by the millions. Vote them out in November.

