Monday, September 16, 2024

HITLER: Quotes nothing to cheer about

| January 12, 2024 1:00 AM

The other day a picture popped up on my social media and it got me thinking. It was a photograph of some American soldiers from the second World War II in Germany after one of the big battles that eventually ended the German part of World War II. It got me thinking.  

I was wondering what those patriotic young men, men of my father’s generation, the generation that is referred to as “The Greatest Generation,” how would they feel hearing a presidential candidate proudly quoting Adolf Hitler. How must the few remaining World War II veterans feel when they hear that. How must they feel when they hear the generation of their children and grandchildren cheer those quotes. It quite frankly makes me sick. They must be sickened too, they lost friends and family fighting Hitler and all he stood for.

I have a question for all of you that cheer, do you really want to turn the U.S. into Hitler’s dream? The next time you hear the leader of the Republican party proudly quote Hitler and you cheer, think about your fathers and grandfathers and all the rest that fought and died to stop Hitler and all he stood for. Ask yourself, would Dad be proud of me, would Granddad be proud of me? I think not.

