Wednesday, July 03, 2024

FREEDOM TO VOTE: Not in presidential primary

| January 12, 2024 1:00 AM

Writing to Pat Bethke’s letter regarding freedom to vote rather than appoint people. For some positions appointing qualified, responsible people in non-political positions is better than following the Brent Regan and Associates choices. The KCRCC and the state Republican party have taken away our freedom to choose who can participate in the Primary in May.

We do not have any say whom our Republican candidate for president will be. We have been denied the opportunity to vote for president in the primary by our state officials. Perhaps, if we’re lucky, we’ll get a postcard in the mail in March inviting us to a caucus somewhere to be able to vote on a candidate — not official voting — basically opinions.

Our state Republican Party has already pretty much decided that our candidate will be Trump. Republican state officials, Ms. Moon and associates, will decide for us as obviously we are not able to make our own decision, also, they tried to push through that you had to be a registered Republican by Dec. 31 to even vote Republican.

This is not my Republican party, not the Brent Regan and associates, not the Freedom Foundation, (an oxymoron) nor the state Republican Party. Hopefully, folks will wake up and see that our basic rights are being stripped not by the Democrats but our own Republican Party. Check out the North Idaho Republicans.

