Saturday, September 28, 2024

ABORTION BAN: Distraction from Idaho’s real problems

| January 12, 2024 1:00 AM

Senator Chuck Winder thinks the abortion ban is a remedy to the labor shortage in Idaho. Comments like his serve as a distraction from real problems we have in Idaho.

I’m putting aside the fact that I was an operating room nurse for over 40 years, and how I feel about the ban endangering women’s lives. Let’s just examine some real problems that might contribute to a labor shortage.

Right to Work. Idaho has some of the lowest wages in the country.

Lack of affordable child care. The Republican legislature has made it more difficult for working families to access child care.

Attacks on public education. Republicans want to blow up the public education system, and impose a voucher scheme that would cost working families more to educate their children. Higher education is also a target. Here in Kootenai County, the IFF wants to destroy North Idaho College. How can we train a workforce, including teachers and nurses without it?

Lack of affordable health care. You can’t work if you’re sick. Republicans want to limit access to health care. 

Grocery tax. Republicans won’t get rid of it. It’s regressive and costs working families more to feed their kids.

Physicians and other health care providers are being told by the government how to do their jobs. They’re leaving the state.

Teachers are leaving because of the draconian Republican telling them what they can and can’t teach.

These are all barriers to working in Idaho. I’m sure there are more.

Idaho legislators should do their jobs and listen to the voices of the people. We look to them to do the right thing, and support Idaho’s working families.


Spirit Lake