Saturday, September 28, 2024

BOOTHE: Argument lacks merit

| January 7, 2024 1:00 AM

Regarding Ron Booth’s Jan. 5 letter citing multiple topics expressed in two letters to the editor. Just a few comments. Letters to the editor are generally considered opinion. Guessing you would prefer that these opinions shouldn’t be published? If so, perhaps the paper shouldn’t publish your opinions either. (I am curious about the paper’s ascribed title to your letter “Fallacy and Opinion: Often the Same Thing” Perhaps a bit of an editorial comment?)

As there are so many topics to address why not take just a few and provide factual documentation of why they are bogus opinions. Enlighten us.

Finally you blame the one party domination in the house (three of four votes?) for the country’s ills. The Republicans had held their dominating stranglehold on the country for a what — a year and half. Pretty amazing how most of our problems can be put on them, but please don’t mention the presidency and the Senate are held by Democrats. Might show a slight chink in your argument.

