Tuesday, July 02, 2024

POLITICS: Time for a change

| January 5, 2024 1:00 AM

I read so many letters that say the people disagree with the governor and the president, the trustees at NIC and all of that, but then when the time to vote comes around these same people are voted back into the same office. If you disagree with what they are doing why reelect them? No I am not a young kid who has no knowledge of political science but rather an older person who does exactly what I said. I did not and will not vote for Joe Biden. I remember him as Sleepy Joe from the Obama administration. He was the same way then and so was his family. People deny voting for him now but someone must have because he is president and doing a very poor job. I plan to once again vote for someone else. The trustees at NIC cannot get along and there have been many efforts made. Perhaps they should all lose their jobs and the college should put new ones in place some who are not after their own interests and can discuss the needs of the college in an effort to agree.

I know how simplistic this sounds but truly it is simple. Why is it too complicated for people to get it and then do something different about it? 

The true definition of mental instability is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. That is what we have been doing. Anybody think it is time for change in what we are doing?


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