Tuesday, October 08, 2024

'You are loved'

Staff Writer | February 15, 2024 1:07 AM

COEUR d’ALENE — Lyle and Joan Cross have been married 68 years.

So, naturally, as they sat next to each other at One Site for Seniors, they were laughing, smiling and enjoying Valentine’s Day.

It’s what they do best.

“Just love one another,” Joan Cross said when asked about the secret to a good marriage. “We never argue. Just talking things out.”

Lyle grinned as he added to her answer.

“Oh, we get along just perfect,” he said. “There’s no trouble with us.”

One Site for Seniors, an adult day center in Coeur d’Alene, celebrated Valentine’s Day with music, decorations, paper hearts, dancing, games, food and about 20 guests.

Rhonda Story, manager, asked the crowd what the holiday was about, and one word rose above the others


Story nodded in agreement.

“Look around this room,” she said. “Look at the love in this room.”

She said volunteers and staff wanted a special day for their guests.

“Just remember that you are loved, that you have people here that love you and you have people at home that love you,” she said. “This for me is a celebration of our guests. You guys are here with us and you become our family.”

Mike and Lynda Arnold led the music with ukulele and guitar. They had everyone singing along to “Skidamarink.”

“I love you in the morning and in the afternoon. I love you in the evening and underneath the moon. I love you," voices sang in unison.

The Arnolds have been married 47 years.

“Valentine’s Day is every day of the year for us,” Lynda Arnold said, laughing.  

Then, she turned more serious.

“A sweet time to remember that we love each other,” she said. 

Lyle and Joan Cross spent 63 of their married years in Missoula, Mont., before moving to Coeur d’Alene. They’ll celebrate their 69th anniversary in August. Both are healthy and happy.

Lyle, about to turn 96, displayed a strong singing voice and greeted people with smiles and handshakes.

He said they like to be “good, inspirational people.”

“That’s where we’re at,” he said.

Joan, 88, said they raised four kids and in those days, they celebrated Valentine’s Day.

Now, on their own, it’s not quite the occasion it once was.

“It’s just a plain day now,” Joan said.

But not on Wednesday. It was special.

Joan looked up at her husband and smiled, and he turned his head and looked at her.

“Just love one another,” Joan said again.

    Rhonda Story, adult day center manager at One Site For Senior, joins Valentine's Day activities on Wednesday.
    Mig Whitt, activities manager at One Site for Seniors, points to a guest during a song on Wednesday.
    Lyle and Joan Cross share a laugh at One Site for Seniors on Wednesday.
    Mike and Lynda Arnold perform on Valentine's Day at One Site for Seniors.