Saturday, July 06, 2024

LIBRARY NETWORK FRIENDS: Grateful to community

| February 4, 2024 1:00 AM

The Friends of the Community Library Network wish to thank the community for the generous support in both donating and purchasing used books for our fundraising. Formed as an Unincorporated Nonprofit Association with the Idaho Secretary of State, we are found online at Our mission is simply to advocate “for libraries as places to nurture and enhance lifelong learning.” 

Volunteer members receive, sort and clean donated books and sell them in the Hayden book room, in branch libraries and at the annual Hayden Book Sale. Proceeds help fund many Network programs including Youth and Adult services, Book Mobile/Outreach, Emerging Technology and individual branch activities. 

FCLN receive program grant requests from Network program and branch managers after they are approved by the director. These requests then are reviewed and approved by members at our monthly meetings. It is our honor and pleasure to support the many programs community members have come to appreciate and enjoy.  

The first library friends group in the U.S. was formed in 1922. We are proud to continue a long history of being a library friend. Again, community, our sincere thank you for all you do on behalf of our libraries through The Friends of the Community Network. Each of you is a library friend. 

JUDITH A. FARREY, president 

Friends of the Community Library Network