Monday, October 14, 2024

KIDS: Have enough challenges

| February 4, 2024 1:00 AM

When did our society go over the falls far enough that adults and the editor of the CDA Press feel it’s OK to advocate for libraries to carry materials that bump up against pornography, encourage kids to question their gender, and put family life in a bad light? Our kids have enough challenges brought to their lives courtesy of we moronic adults who think it’s OK to legalize drugs, invent video games aimed at kids that degrade their intellect and debase their values, and push internet content at them that would make a Marine drill sergeant blush.

I’ll go out on a limb here and speculate that all the letters and editorial content are from left leaning folks who wear their “anything goes” badges proudly. So, I would like to ask you — what does the constant badgering of parents who’d like to maintain libraries as a safe space do for you? If one more child learns he can have his genitals mutilated at 12 years of age, would that be enough?

I’ll go further out on a limb and speculate that most of you on the left side of this issue are not local parents struggling to do their level best to help their school age kids navigate the crazy world we adults are building for them. After all, if you are a parent and want your kids exposed to alternative sexual lifestyles, you’d simply hand them a book, or dress your little Johnny for school in a miniskirt, right? So who are you people? Please stop trying to force the library to bring up other people’s kids your way. 

