Saturday, July 06, 2024

CLIMATE CHANGE: Seeking positive solutions for the future

| February 4, 2024 1:00 AM

Hottest year ever, what can be done?

This is the title of a Jan. 14 article in the Coeur d’Alene Press. This article states that 2023 shattered annual heat records* and suggests things we can do to protect our environment. 

The U.S. faced multiple climate issues last year, including devastating wildfires in Maui, hurricanes, floods and the hottest year on record. In our area, we saw fires near Hayden and Medical Lake and blue green algae in our lakes. There are cascading effects of these climate issues including increased home insurance rates, health care costs, and business and tourism costs. 

As the article mentions, there are many things that we all can do to limit the effects of climate change. Some are personal choices such as saving energy in your home and business, switching to electric vehicles and tools, walking and biking, and taking fewer airline flights.

Beyond your personal life choices, there are bigger actions to address environmental issues such as contacting your legislators to support policies that address protecting our environment. Information on bills before congress is available under “Our Climate Solutions” at

Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy organization focused on national policies to address climate change. As volunteers of CCL we learn about climate issues, write to our elected representatives and participate in educational community events. Join us in finding positive solutions for our future and that of our children and grandchildren.

*2023, Hottest year data comes from: U.S. National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, EU Copernicus Climate Change Agency, and The World Meteorological Organization. 


Citizens’ Climate Lobby Volunteers, Coeur d’Alene Chapters